- Samsung Engineering Academy
- SAMSUNG AAiT- African products and SW development center (APSC)
- Competed and Secured for Hosting title of the IEEE AFRICON 2015
- Addis Ababa, Sept. 14 -17, 2015, Supported by AAiT/AAU, Samsung, IEEE Region 8
- MoU signed Indian P.A. Food Private Limited Co.
- Ritsumeikan University (Japan) – MoU signed for joint research and staff exchange
- Renewed MoU with University of Watern Ontario and AAiT/AAU until 2017
In progress
- KAIST, Korea
- Comprehensive collaboration agreement will be signed
- Supporting Techno-Leadership program for industrial management personnel and venture company developers who lack either technical skills or business management skills
- Working on joint research project to be financed KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency)
- Supporting to modernize its management by sending its software specialists
- Sharing its experience in New Venture Complex Zone Development in Ethiopia
- One PC One Student Project
- AAiT tablet PC project. Samsung provides tablet PC at cheap price
- Thousands of tablet PC provided by Samsung 2016and used by student
- E-learning resources
- University of Western Ontario, Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Department on discussion on sharing online and e-learning resources
- Online lecture materials
- Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology agrees its on-line lecture contents to share with AAiT
KAIST and Addis Ababa Institute of Technology (AAiT), Addis Ababa University (AAU) Agree to cooperate for New Entrepreneurship program and the Leadership in both universities.
As part of the program, AAiT and KAIST wish to enhance relationship between two universities and to develop academic and cultural exchange programs in the areas of education, research, and other activities and agree to cooperate and work together towards the internationalization of higher education and the goal of the new entrepreneurship program and Leadership.
The areas of cooperation include any program offered at either university which are felt to be desirable and feasible for the development and strength of cooperative relationship between the two institutions and helpful for Entrepreneurship program and the leadership. However any specific program shall be subjected to mutual consent, availability of funds and approval of each university. Such programs may include:
A. Exchange of faculty members
B. Exchange of students
C. Joint Research projects
D. Joint degree Program
- At preliminary support, professor and PhD students from University of Michigan stayed at AAIT four weeks since May 2014
- gave technical training and block courses for our MSc students in SMDE, SMIE and SCEE
- Discussed with Institute ‘s management on potential of joint research, staff and student exchange
- AAiT will visit University of Michigan to concretize the discussions with comprehensive agreement of cooperation